Week of April 25th, 2021 – New Fanedits

4 new edits this week, three of which come from Wraith:



This is Tokyo by heiseigodzillafan

This fan-edit combines the original Japanese version of the original 1954 Godzilla film and the American re-edit called Godzilla: King of the Monsters! It adds the additional footage of Raymond Burr and others created for the American version to the original Japanese cut, keeping both Steve Martin and almost all of the scenes with the original cast, extending the run-time to over an hour and 40 minutes.



Super 8: Extended by Wraith

This is a full extension of Super 8 with all deleted scenes added back in



Blade Runner: The Final Voiceover Restoration by Wraith

Blade Runner exists in 5 versions The Theatrical Cut (117min), The International Version (117 min and a bit), The Director’s Cut (116 min), The Final Cut (117 min) and The WorkPrint (113 min). This version tries to do two main things:
– include every frame from the Theatrical Cut, International Version, Directors Cut and Final cut
– add a handful of additional VO lines, correcting them for pitch and pace so they sound like Deckard



Looper: Extended by Wraith

LOOPER is an excellent movie, with a few rabbit holes which the deleted scenes go some way to plugging. These scenes also flesh out some additional important character moments, plus there is a new opening credit sequence (I hate when there are no opening credits).


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