JobWillins Wins FEOTM

It was a tight race between JobWillins and theryaney, but in the end JobWillins won out with the edit Paradise, an edit that combines Alien: Covenant and Prometheus. About this edit:

The goal was to intercut material from both films to tell a story in a way that favors the strengths of both. With a runtime of about 2.5 hours, I aimed to enhance much of the excitement and mystery from the two films by unfolding them in parallel and playing them off one-another. This method also allowed opportunities to emphasize the major theme of creator/creation relationship that runs through both stories and hopefully achieve a unique viewing experience rather than merely a significantly abridged double-feature.

Congratulations to JobWillins and his FEOTM win for October 2017!

If you haven’t seen Paradise yet, check out this trailer and get on it!

Paradise on IFDB
Alien: Covenant on IMDB
Prometheus on IMDB