Space Consecution

7.3 (19)
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(Updated: September 25, 2012)
sunarep - dec 29 2009

Well that’s the second consecution I am going to review and first things first: it cannot touch the Batman Consecution.

I have to agree with on of the previous posters that a consecution should be more than a collection of compressed movies, a consecution should combine different elements (like Infodroids fabulous “Bruce Wayne: Depths of Darkness” or even if it is a recut it should be like “Mayhem and Mistletoe” where you experience two different scenes from a movie as one styled up in a sin city like fashion.

Overall I’d give this consecution 6/10 even though i would like to rate it higher (special congrats to the menu design, it was great) but there are a few gripes i have.

now to the fanedtis:

Adabisi – Humans Are Limited

While technically flawless this was an edit i more or less skipped through, since in essence it is just a compressed version of a scene from 2001 – so it wasn’t that interesting to watch. Compressing a scene should be done if the movie itself is flawed because of pacing/bad humor etc,. all the michael bay problems one can think of – since 2001 is more or less a perfectly shot/balanced/paced movie – any cuts or separate scenes might be nice to look at – only way to tackle movies like 2001 is to either remix it (looking at jorge :D ) or grindhouse them (TMBTM) or something i will adress when i come to the next edit


Blueyoda -Humans Are Limitless

This is an edit I’m really torn over – i can’t say I enjoyed it, but the concept at the beginning, this idea got me so excited that I beg blueyoda to start a full featurelength fanedit mixing Transformers and 2001! Please Please Please!
The beginning was very weird with the computergraphics about optimus prime, but the whole idea of combining the monolith with the allspark was funny and an interesting concept. The Music Video was not really a great addition and after a while the whole thing fell apart. While Megatron/hal is a funny idea it was more like a fun video but not like a real fanedit that changed the story – Megahal 9000 was proclaiming his reign during the interview and nobody reacted

5/10 – but the concept would get a 10/10

Gaith's Star Wars: Episode 2.1 - Attack Of The Phantom

I don’t think i understand this edit … well the audio was a little messed up and while i enjoyed the interviews at the beginning, where Lucas and Company where basically talking about what we guys here at do, the whole “deleted scene” stuff was just.. meh...


M77 - Mayflower Madness

Haven’t watched this one yet, but I have the same problems with it that i have with “humans are limited” – a best of ... well that’s the stuff for clipshows not fanedits. but i’ll give it a try, maybe it will work

ThrowgnCpr - Alien Elements

Now here the fanedit spirit starts to shine through. While AVP is not a good movie it can be edited to an enjoyable one. The beginning was a great blend between AVP and Fifth Element and the Alien Symbol in the middle as the “fifth element” made me smirk. The Predator appearance is a bit choppy, it is an interesting thought, but there probably wasn’t that much footage. I liked how the editor avoided the whole arctic plot and just said “a pyramid was discovered” – i was a little disappointed that the predator didn’t talk to lex at the end, would have been a cool idea to insert some lines from fifth element

I didn’t like the predator vision especially in the beginning


Uncanny Antman - Clone Wars - Aggressive Negotiations

It’s uncanny antman, what do you expect? This was a way better star wars experience than the initial “episode”/”movie” of the clone wars and having the whole “snips” etc. talk removed really helped the experience. I’m still no fan of the cartoony “obi wan drinks tea while negotiating” but there’s only so much an editor could do.
I must say the ending was perfect, using the dialog to make it anakins decision to take asoka is just great, it felt more natural and to the star wars geek in me this is the official version of the asoka meeting now


TMBTM - WALL-E Fantasy

Well well well...

This was the first short i watched and at the start i was a little pissed, because I thought the editor would just cut wall-e down to 10 minutes (i didn’t read the description on the page). Then the movie got a little darker and i thought “is this deliberate or is there an error with the color filter and even though one could tell that the dark “evening” atmosphere was added by an editor it was still neat – when the final fantasy ship landed this edit became a “holy *peep*” experience and yeah what can i say: this is the true spirit of consecution fanediting. Congrats to this great piece of editing.

And while i can understand some people complaining that it felt chopped of, i was so happy with every second of editing that everything past the spaceship landing was a treat

Congrats to TMBTM!

Elbarto 1 - Klone

Very enjoyable yet again suffering from the compressed-edit problem, but the mixing with the sunshine footage was well done and it felt a little more rounded than the 2001 edit

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(Updated: September 25, 2012)
adabisi - dec 29 2009

Wall-e Fantasy
Nice little short and well edited, but it felt like it ended halfway through the story. 7/10

Alien Elements
Lots of motion blur in the video. Nice idea and well edited, but no real central characters to speak of or care about really hurt this one. A few nagging inconsistencies that bothered me as well. And the whole thing takes place on Earth. Which, I guess technically, is in space… 6/10

Humans are Limited
Not going to rate my own edit.

Aggressive Negotiations
Well edited, but the narrative can’t stand on it’s own and would be fairly confusing without knowledge of the greater Star Wars universe. 5/10

Star Wars: Episode II.I
Audio was out of synch with the video. Switches to black and white randomly. Not sure what the point of this one was. 1/10

Mayflower Madness
This was great. Provided some much needed comic relief. Lots of continuity mistakes but that’s part of this type of comedy. Fits perfectly, whether it was intentional or not. Some of the editing could have been better, though. 9/10

Very well done. Nice condensed version of Solaris. Loved the ending. Unfortunately, more motion blur in the video and dialogue coming from all 5 channels instead of being isolated to the centre. 8/10, but easily a 10/10 without the technical issues.

Humans are Limitless
More blurry video. At this point I’m starting to think the issue is somewhere in the authoring process. Made me laugh in spots and I liked the general concept but it felt more like a bunch of youtube clips mashed together than a cohesive narrative. The music video at the beginning felt horribly out of place and I hate that song (but considering this is blueyoda I’m guessing that’s the point) and the cut-off -in mid-sentence ending is just strange (again, I’m guessing that was the point). Good editing but 5/10 because it made me angry (which I’m sure was the point).

I liked the old school Atari 2600 look to them, but the font was so small it was barely legible and there was a lot of blank space that could’ve been used.

Overall, I’ll give the project a 6/10.
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(Updated: September 25, 2012)
juk - oct 3 2010

*This rating was given before reviews were required*
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(Updated: September 25, 2012)
ku7uk - dec 28 2009

Firstly, let me say thank-you to everyone that contributed into this project. While I may be an unknown on this site, I work as an independent film-maker. So I would like to offer my insight into this great collaborative work. I warn you that its not all good comments, but I admire your contribution and thank you for your work. The opinion expressed is my own and I only say them in hope that it can be of use to you as constructive criticism to improve your next works.

Wall-E Fantasy
This short started amazingly, and the blend between Wall-E and Final fantasy was superb. The editing was flawless and I was immediately taken into the world of the editor. However, being a fan of both films, it was difficult to get past the lack of an ending. You want it to go somewhere but just doesn't. I know the editor only had so much footage to work with, but maybe he could have stuck the Titan AE opening on the end and blew up the planet just to finish things off?

But in the end, this is what I believe fan-editing is about. Taking two completely different stories and integrating them together to create a whole new story. That is its strength and for that reason, this is the short that takes top marks at successfully completing the main goal.

Alien Elements
It's an interesting project and as a shortened version of AVP, it works very well. Unfortunately the other films spliced in seem fruitless and only drag the story, rather than add to it. The talking Predator was probably not needed. However I liked what you tried to do, I just think it was too similar to the original movie.

Humans are Limited
I never liked the original movie, and this condensed version didn't sit with me at all. It was slow and I fast-forwarded through it, sorry.

Aggressive Negotiations
This is a condensed version of the Star Wars Clone Wars movie to fit into the format of the TV Series, and it achieves that goal very, very well. Everything is tightly edited and well-put together. The story is strong and there are no weak points.

Star Wars Phantom Documentary
This is basically a deleted scene with an introduction put in front of it. There was no plot or real technical editing here. And while the deleted scene was interesting, in my opinion, it wasn't worth making this short out of it.

Mayflower Madness
A condensed movie or Airplane 2. Unlike the others, this is based on a parody, which means you are missing 90% of the jokes. I don't understand why this was made, as you really need to watch the full film to get the full humour. There's nothing wrong with the short and it's technically well-made, even with the explosive ending. But a parody like this has you laughing every few seconds, and I would much rather laugh for 90 minutes that 15 minutes.

I scanned through it. I never watched Solaris and this short didn't hold my interest either. Sorry, I couldn't sit through and watch it. It might not be your fault, I just found the original film boring, and that might have affected my watching your short.

Humans are Limitless
This started as a music video, and then became a mismatch of scenes from movies with the transformers soundtrack playing underneath. I didn't understand it and there was no plot.

Overall, I think the collection is okay. But I feel many of you are just trying to put a short together as quickly as possible just to get a film amongst the collection. The first constitution was about making new films using existing movies and splicing them together to create a new story. I feel that the goal has been forgotten and while condensed movies are nice, that isn't what fan editing is about (in my opinion).

If it takes having an extra 6 months on the deadline, then that is what needs to be done. But original stories, and maybe some defined rules about what's allowed (documentaries / music videos etc.) need to be made, as I see no reason why they are amongst a collection suppose to be called "short films".
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