Blade Runner: Tears in the Rain

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(Updated: October 22, 2023)
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As an avid BladeRunner enthusiast, both the film and the book (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep) I was a bit sceptical that cutting out all narratives besides the Nexus's, would leave an incomplete story.
Oh how wrong I was, this edit is lean, very lean, but it cuts right to the bone ... the initial question that Philip K Dick poses by writing the original book, "do androids Drea.... ", yeah, not that, although...
what is being sentient, are androids, or other "engineered" intelligence capable of emotions, aka dreaming ....
This story stands on its own as a rock against a brutal stormy shore.
Making the closing scene on the roof, and the tears in the rain speech more powerful.

I get that a lot of ppl will not see it that way and just think this is a way to lean version of BladeRunner, and yes, I still like the full fletched version, but this cut has captured a spot in my BladRunner heart, way above the final directors cut.

I gave "only" an 8 for visual editing because, although making the movie very moody, by choosing a black and white version, I don't think it really adds to the "tears in the rain" concept, and especially in the closing scene (the chase in the old house) which is very fast and a lot of visual detail, the lack of colours makes the scene way more confusing in my opinion.

Thank you for making this edit, it enriched a BladRunner fan's life

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Want to watch Blade Runner, but you either only have 1 hour and 15 minutes or are someone who finds the official versions of the film boring? You're in luck, rangerkris' technically flawless Tears in the Rain edit distils the film down to a relatively fast paced action noir. The film retains it's title as one of the most visually stunning films ever made, but in a whole new way with the switch to black and white. The only slight issue, as other people have mentioned, is that Rachel is introduced, kills Leon and then disappears, but it didn't bother me at all.

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the A/V looked and sounded fine to me. that high contrast BW looked great to me, it drew me into the environment even more so than the original's color palette. all the audio sounded fine, no hard cuts or weird fades. replacing the score may have been nice, but i realize how hard that can be at times. plus that's the editor's choice, he wanted to leave it as is, so be it.
the narrative, it all still made sense even with so much cut. Ranger's intention was clearly successful and the only weird story element has been said already, what happened to Rachel. the biggest improvement is dropping that horrible narration.
it's a fantastic edit and Ranger did a top notch job and i'll take this over any of the studio versions, but i still don't like this movie; it's still boring and moves incredibly slow. but that's on me, Ranger didn't say he was trying to make it fast and more exciting, just present the story in a different way, which he completely accomplishes. i seriously put the original film at like 4 or 5. Ranger's version here has boosted that rating for me.
if you're a blade runner fan, this one is worth your time.

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(Updated: August 11, 2014)
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I have seen just about every iteration of Blade Runner out there and own both the DVD set in the brief case and the Blu-ray equivalent with the Spinner model. I am glad that RangerKris decided to use the Final Cut as the source material, as this is the most refined of all of the versions in my opinion. I've watched this film in different forms, including both first runs in the theatre, at least 20 times and I thought I knew every nuance possible. That is why I was so intrigued that this Fanedit takes a completely new POV and doesn't try to "improve" on the original(s). Thank you RangerKris for that.

Technically, I'm not going to comment much as others have already dissected this with a fine toothed comb. Visually, I think the HC B&W looked gorgeous in 1080p on my large plasma display. I think it even made the scale model sets look more convincing. Aurally, the music edits were well placed and helped move the story from the new POV. It seems some other sound editing was done with the dialogue too, such as the scene in Abdul ben Hassen's shop. It seemed even more distinct than the fixed up version in the Final Cut.

My only slightly critical comment on the edit is one that others have mentioned: the non sequitur appearance of the police Spinner floating up in the background during Roy's last scene on the roof. The only thing I think you could have done there was just loop Roy's last close up (without the dove) to keep the poignancy of the moment.

All in all, very well done from a dyed-in-the-wool BR fanatic.

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I don't watch as many fanedits I should these days, but there are some that people obviously want to see, and it appears that me too!

Why some fanedits brings a lot of interest?
- Clever take on a very well known and loved movie: check.
- Smart editing (here: reorganization of some scenes that feel like if they still happen in chronological order): check.
- A strong visual change that serves the purpose of the movie (here the B&W): check.
- A narrative that still works very well despite a lot of cuts: check.

Some minor things that bugs me a little:
- Some pixelate picture from time to time. But overall it's beautiful. Just a bit too much compression on the smoke, the fog... things like that.
- We see a police flying car stopping by the roof top in the background during the last scene (Roy's face down - blurry car in the background). It's not jarring as it is, but it made me think about what comes next in the original movie.
- Movie's maybe a bit too short now, but hey it's the price for having this interesting new take.

Of course I loved the relation between Deckard and Rachel in the original (it's the soul of the movie to me) but somehow THIS take of the movie does not need it and it does make the replicants the main characters. The relation between Roy and Priss is now the soul of the movie, and it works.

A very good fanedit that gives you what it was supposed to give.

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Owner's reply September 12, 2014

Thanks very much TMBTM! Means a lot coming from you

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