Star Wars: Episode III - Labyrinth Of Evil

9.7 (49)
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(Updated: November 07, 2019)
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Edit (7/11/2019): I have changed my score because Hal9000 has released an "alternate ending" cut of his edit that retains Padme's death. This essentially fixes my main gripe I had with it. Thank you, Hal. This is a phenomenal edit.


Whereas I believe HAL9000's TPM and AotC are the definitive go-to edits of the PT, somehow he really dropped the ball on RotS, and his final effort doesn't even come close to what L8wrtr accomplished with the same material.

The biggest problem is that this edit is where HAL9000's philosophy of maintaining continuity with the OT really fails him. The whole edit is overall inferior to L8wrtr's, but most of the problems occur at the end. Leia mentions in passing in RotJ that she retains memories of her mother from when she was young. Thus, HAL9000 bends over backwards to make it so Padme lives, and he literally breaks the movie in the process, going so far as to add footage from an entirely different movie (The Other Boleyn Girl). Unfortunately, even the few seconds or so that he uses is completely jarring because the respective films look and feel nothing alike. Also, in the theatrical release of RotS, and illustrated even better in L8wrtr's edit, Anakin joins the dark side to prevent Padme from dying, yet his descent is what ultimately leads to her death. This powerful irony is completely lost in HAL9000's edit. I'm sorry, but an enjoyable film experience is more important than continuity in this case. In the end this is George Lucas' movie, not ours. Making nips and tucks is one thing, but changing the overall plot of the story is not the job of an editor.

HAL9000's edit also includes Vader's "NOOOO!!!!!!" at the end and him throwing a hissy fit, whereas L8wrtr's scene is much more graceful and subdued...perfect, really. The original ending of RotS had a bloated ending and didn't know when to quit, and HAL9000 kept too many of these elements. On the other hand, after the climax in L8wrtr's edit, he ties things up nice and quick.

HAL9000's effort is noble but misguided. It is an okay edit, but there is nothing it does that L8wrtr's doesn't do better. Perhaps the problem is that with L8wrtr's edit of RotS, there really isn't much room for improvement, whereas with the other two prequel films, there was still a lot that needed fixing. I wish I could say that HAL9000's three PT edits constituted the definitive trilogy, but I can't. I recommend watching HAL9000's edits of episodes I and II, and L8wrtr's edit of episode III if you want the optimal experience watching the PT.

This edit gets a 4.0 largely for breaking the movie, which I find unforgivable, although there are a few niggling problems with cuts not being as seamless as they could be.

EDIT: I feel like I need to say more to defend why I gave this edit such a low score. Perhaps the fundamental problem is that the editor's efforts come from a place of contempt, not love. HAL9000 has said on the forums: "I think the prequels would be utterly forgettable were they not Star Wars films. They're obligatory more than anything else." I feel completely differently. I love the PT. I love the pre-empire universe created by it. I love The Clone Wars TV series. I would take Anakin, Padme, and Obi-Wan over Luke, Leia, and Han any day (yes, you read right). I was a teenager when the PT came out, and warts and all, I'm willing to embrace it as the Star Wars of my generation. I hope HAL9000 comes to realize that his efforts are important, not just to those who value the original trilogy, but to those who treasure the prequel trilogy as well. That's why I think breaking RotS in service of RotJ is such a travesty. RotJ is still good regardless of whether or not Luke and Leia's mom dies in childbirth. The challenge RotS faces is that everyone knows how it ends...Anakin ultimately turns to the dark side. So George Lucas re-indroduces the element of surprise by injecting a dose of irony in that Anakin inadvertently causes the very thing he's trying to prevent, i.e., Padme's death. I like Anakin because he's actually George Lucas' most nuanced character (despite giving him terrible dialogue at times). He's a good guy, but he can't endure loss, which runs contrary to his Jedi training. He loses his mother--yes, she DIES--and he vows not to let it happen again. He's so determined not to lose Padme, that she actually DIES AT HIS HANDS as a consequence of his efforts. This irony is so fundamental to the story--GL starts to set it up in AotC in fact--that I can't believe HAL9000 would do this. Sheer contempt, it seems.

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Owner's reply September 20, 2015

Thank you for the very fair critique. You're appraisal of the edit's philosophical orientation is correct, and your opinion hanging on it is not without merit.
I would argue, however, that there is a different sense of irony to be found at the end of LOE from ROTS. The original irony still exists, but is relegated merely to Anakin's perspective. While we believes that Padmé is dead and that he caused it by trying to avoid it, the audience has been primed to appreciate the newly contrived dramatic irony that Palpatine is profiting from the strings he's been pulling and lies he's told Anakin. (The edit trades situation irony for dramatic irony, in ROTJ's favor.)
I've talked elsewhere about my reasons for keeping the "Nooo" scene, but suffice it to say that certain things about the edit were dictated by other choices I'd made. Things like that sort of ''have'' to stay, given the way everything else has been set up.
Again, I offer a sincere thank you for the insightful review, and for investing your brainpower into interacting with what I've done with this project. One of the benefits of having so many prequel edits is the freedom to mix and match, as you suggest. As far as I can tell, L8wrtr's and my edits can be hot swapped without discontinuity.

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(Updated: June 20, 2015)
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Absolute gem of an edit. Anakin's downfall is more in-line with the way the OT explained, and removing Obi-Wan's "DEMOCRACY" line, which was hysterically over-the-top, was a nice addition too. I too am glad to see Padme live, though weakened and broken-hearted, it is again more in line with what the OT had elaborated on. Labyrinth of Evil streamlines and adds nuance to something that felt a little too overcooked, and establishes that, with some fine-tuning, the only good SW prequel becomes one of the best in the saga.

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Another fantastic edit, I must say this one really sold Anakin's fall far better than I thought possible within the constraints of existing footage, and I really loved the Padme lives idea. This edit really showed the best side of Palpatine as well, as he cleverly manipulates Anakin, where as before it seemed like Anakin was more resistant. I would have liked some type of confrontation between Palpatine and Yoda, but the existing one was just so... silly, I understand why it had to go.

From an A/V stand point, the movie was very impressive, Including some of the whipe transitions that Lucas is so proud of. Great job!

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This is definitely one of the better edits of Episode III that I've seen, and one of the most professional looking. The visuals and audio editing are flawless.

There are a few things I maybe would've cut, but overall this flows the best and feels like a proper ending to the trilogy. I especially like the way Padme's death (or lack thereof) was handled, and also the integration of the deleted scenes. Anakin's turn to the dark side works much better here and feels more natural. Some of the inappropriately dark stuff has been removed, which frankly I appreciated. I felt the killing of younglings was just too bleak for Star Wars, so having that removed was nice.

Overall one of the best Episode III edits. I haven't seen Hal9000's other Star Wars edits, but I intend to go back and view them after enjoying this one.

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I have been a Star Wars fan, and obsessive, for as long as I can remember. Despite the glaring flaws inherent within the prequel trilogy I have still seen each of them more times than I care to count and this edit far surpasses the highest hopes I had for it.

All three prequels have been missing a subtlety that HAL 9000's 'Labyrinth of Evil' perfectly captures. I write this review without seeing either of the other '9000 series' edits (although look forward to seeing the other two) and when reviewing this final entry the main point I need to get across is that we finally get to see the descent and fall of Anakin that we have always wanted. Thanks to some seamless and intelligent editing we are given an autonomous protagonist that wrestles with his feelings, duty and fear of loss without any support system to help. With Obi-Wan pursuing Grievous Anakin must wrestle with his fear that he may loose Padme as he lost his mother, as well as his growing disillusionment with the Jedi order, alone. The manipulation by Palpatine is done subtly using Anakin's vulnerability and fear to lead him to dependency. Due to the subtlety with which this is done you get much more of a sense of Anakin's inner turmoil and as such his fall is both much clearer and emotionally impacting. Anakin's political allegiances also come after this dependency is established as oppose to before which really serves well to emphasise that his choices were motivated by his fear of loosing Padme above all else.

As well as Anakin's descent we also get to see the political aspects of the prequel trilogy finally take an intriguing and important shape. Before this edit I didn't have much time for this aspect of the trilogy but I can now see it's value a lot clearer. Not only does it serve to show Palpatine's masterful deception and grand scheme but it also adds a great deal of depth to the role of Padme. She too is made more autonomous within this edit and now appears more dimensional instead of merely being presented as Anakin's love interest.

Obviously as a die hard fan there are some things that I missed and some things that I wish weren't there but they're not worth mentioning as overall the narrative of 'Revenge of the Sith' is now made more compelling, the motivations of the characters and the inner turmoil they struggle with is now captivating and the pace keeps your attention firmly on the screen.

There were some slight changes made to the narrative and I have to say that I love that somebody finally fixed the plot hole with Leia remembering Padme! The Qui-gon voice over was brilliant (no idea where that came from...?) and the omission of the Sidious/Yoda duel worked incredibly well!

And easy ten stars from me and I will be looking forward to any fanedit's from HAL 9000 in the future.

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