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9.2 31 10
FanFix August 15, 2012 5593
(Updated: September 02, 2012)
April 18, 2011 @ 5:23 pm

I’m an unapologetic Michael Bay fan. I own and enjoy every single one of his movies but that’s not to say that I think he’s a perfect director. His films (with maybe the exception of BAD BOYS and THE ROCK) are films that I love despite there being a lot of unnecessary crap in them. I’m able to look past said crap because the stuff that works really works for me. For a lot of people, it’s the exact opposite.

Uncanny Antman has tackled Bay before, with ECHO, his fanedit of THE ISLAND. With that, he took a movie that I thought was one of Bay’s strongest and excised the fat that just didn’t work. His treatment of TRANSFORMERS is very similar but much more agressive. He’s taken what is, admittedly, bloated action spectacle and turned it into a lean, mean, bit of destructive action filmmaking.

UA focuses solely on the story and this could’ve alternately been called “TRANSFORMERS: The ‘Get to the Point’ Edit”. The stupid humor is gone. Weird character tics and moments are excised. A lot of what passes for “character development” is gone. This will surely be a bone of contention for some people but it didn’t bother me. Mikaela is the victim of the brunt of these cuts but her role is essentially still the same: she’s the damsel in distress.

There are still a few humor moments here and there that still don’t work but I assume they couldn’t be cut for continuity reasons within the scene. The infamous “Transformers in the backyard” scene is still there too but, once again, I feel like this scene would be next-to-impossible to edit around. I like the fact that Optimus’s superfluous end speech has been removed but the shot seems kind of awkward without it. It reminds me of the scene extensions from BLADE RUNNER that were added for Deckard’s narration. In the Director’s Cut, they seemed awkward with the narration removed. All in all, I think this is the ultimate edit of TRANSFORMERS. I hope that UA will some day tackle REVENGE OF THE FALLEN.
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