Game of Thrones: Redeemed

9.6 (37)
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almightycutie attempts to take Seasons 7 + 8 of GoT and turn it into one solid ending season by jettisoning all the material that didn't work. This means that much of S7 is left intact while much of S8 is cut, in particular all the bits that made previously clever and resourceful characters into plot devices. Tyrion is still smart, Sansa isn't so relentlessly bitchy, and Dany doesn't betray her core principles because she's not getting that Jon Snow D.
The key change is amazing in how well it works, so much so that it almost seems like it would be better if GRR Martin wrote it this way. AC flips the order of events to that Dany deals with her fight with Cersei first, then comes to aid the North in a final battle against the Night King. This reframing allows many characters who met certain fates to have different ones now that the Battle of Winterfell is the culmination of the story. AC does an impressive amount of additional effects-work to try to weave the structure of this together and to refocus the narrative in a believable way, and I think the majority of it works very well. I left in-depth comments on the edit's actual page:

Overall, there's nothing in this that screams "I Am a FaNEdit nOT thE ReAL thINg", so it's definitely a workable replacement for S7 and S8 of the actual show, if you're a fan. The narrative runs into some structural issues in the last few episodes though, and I think it needs a Version 2.0 to really give a satisfying ending to fans. Perhaps like the many Hobbit edits, this first GOT one will show the way and provide a platform to build off of and just get even better. It's an incredibly ambitious accomplishment, and I look forward to what AC does next!

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There is some very impressive work in this edit, and the way the story plays out as one season works wonderfully. Technically, I saw no issues and this is a very strong work. If this had been the way the story had gone originally, I don't think there'd be as many complaints about it.

For me personally, the cracks start to show in the concept in the last few episodes. I love how the battle of King's Landing was handled, but there's a few moments that don't quite flow together right (Dany's costume change mid-flight stuck out to me right away.) Overall, that section is an improvement over the original show. There's some great effects work in the final Winterfell battle, and conceptually I like the idea of killing off some characters in that segment.

The moment in the throne room with Dany and Jon didn't quite work for me, though I like what the edit was trying to do with it. I just don't think the material was there to make that moment seem genuine.

Overall, this is definitely an improvement over the original version, and if some of those final moments could be made to work a little better, it might be the definitive version. For me, I don't know that there's a way to not make the end of this series disappointing given what we have to work with, but this is pretty close.

Great job, I enjoyed this a lot.
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This edit is very impressive and holds a very high quality overall.
Some blurry frames in the darker scenes were apparent at least on my screen but nothing that distracted to much.
The pacing of the episodes is great and they always ends in the perfect moment.
The episodes differ in running time but that doesn't matter to much, as the pacing of them is great.
There was maybe one or two things I felt was strange storywise but I think I have to watch it again just to be clear.
Anyway this is way better than the original final seasons of the show and you have made a massive and impressive job with this edit almightcutie.
Well done!
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(Updated: December 27, 2021)
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Really interesting and very well put together, however the writing from D&D left almightycutie with an almost impossible task.
I certanly enjoyed it more than the original, and would watch this version over the original again, i was put off at first with the voice over from Bran, but it did tie the story together better and you do get used to it (sort of).
Overall you do notice a cut or two here and there but its really well edited and the story flows a lot better, i would defintely recommend to anyone this verson.
Really well done almightycutie!

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When I found this edit, I hopped on it IMMEDIATELY with the hopes that ANYTHING would allow me to think about Game of Thrones and not throw up in my mouth. I would EXTRA recommend this edit to anyone who hasn't seen seasons 7 and 8, I think it'd be a much more enjoyable experience than the originals. For people who HAVE seen, I think it is still better, but it sits in a pretty weird spot for me personally, and I think I'll still be vomiting pretty frequently, but that has nothing to do with what AlmightCutie has done here!

The editing and narrative were all really solid, I noticed a few cuts, but they weren't bad by any means, I was looking hard for them. There were also a few continuity errors introduced by the edit, but dear god was it better than what we got (tO bE hOneSt, i nEvEr rEaLlY cArEd mUcH fOr tHeM; iNnOcEnT, oR oThErWiSe.) so I didn't feel they warranted point deductions.

I was late to the Game of Thrones party, I put it off because I knew I'd enjoy it, and I didn't watch until shortly after season 7 went live. I didn't mind 7, I thought it was alright. I then re-watched to prep for season 8. Since then, I've spent the last year and a half frequenting r/Freefolk which has taken it upon itself to point out every single little error with the entire show, not only seasons 7 and 8 (99% of those errors exist in 5-8) So it's safe to say that my hatred for what Dumb and Dumber did to the show is on par with everyone else's, if not more.

This edit tried to do the impossible, and while I definitely recommend it, it didn't satisfy me. I think the damage and hatred has become too great for me. The custom voiceovers worked pretty well, but ultimately it ended up feeling like a super polished turd to me. No offense to cutie, they did their best, and again, I absolutely recommend it!

I've struggled really hard with how to rate this, as I think season 8 deserves a 0/10 (what else could you give a season that destroys the integrity of the entire rest of the show and renders it completely un-watchable?) I wish enjoyment weren't weighted so heavily, because I would probably give this a 6/10 just due to my absolute hatred for the source materials, and the fact that every scene I re-watched just made me feel the hate all over again lol. However, I greatly respect what cutie has tried to do here, and I feel it would be largely unfair for me to dunk his rating so hard simply because of (in my opinion) the impossibility of his task. So, I've decided on an 8/10, because I know that this really did redeem the final seasons for some people here, and I don't have a problem bumping my own score up a bit to honor that, given the uniqueness of the situation.

Great work cutie, I think your work really can redeem the show for people, and that's no small feat!

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