War of the Stars: A New Hope Grindhoused

9.4 (83)
19627 22

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(Updated: October 21, 2013)
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Many edits attempt to make a movie better. Reinstating deleted scenes, cutting stuff that didn't quite work, completely obliterating the existence of Jar Jar - good stuff. But this is something truly special. It actively tries to make a great movie worse - and does so in the best possible way. I was amazed as to how well A New Hope works as an exploitation flick. The use of an actual 16mm print of the movie works wonders for the visually aged aspect of the film. The other sources are also convincingly damaged. Visual quality in the presentation of that decay is perfect. The special effects are amusingly cheezy and in no way distract from the viewing experience. There is one brief instance where effects are visible on the letterboxing, which can be distracting - but I suspect that most won't notice. If I'm not mistaken, this has been cropped out and corrected in the AVI version, regardless. The new music is completely appropriate and blends in seamlessly. Hearing disco alongside John Williams is a unique experience, to say the least. But the real brilliance of this edit is how the characters were changed. Grindhouse is more than low budget. Grindhouse is sleaze. It's cheap monetarily - and - ethically. All the iconic characters are now worse people than they were in Lucas's vision. Darth Vader is completely insane (and even cooler thanks to a clever editing tactic). Luke is an idiotic weak-willed farm boy with no great destiny. Leia is a psychotic animal murderer. Obi-Wan is every bit the senile fool that he only pretended to be in the real movie. Artoo's a foul mouthed wise-cracking sidekick. And Han? Han shoots first. Every. Single. Time.

I can't recommend this edit enough. It's a masterpiece,.

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(Updated: June 25, 2013)
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This is an exceptional diversion that stands well alone and also enhances my love for the original trilogy. I've watched this and the sequel repeatedly and neither fails to entertain.

It certainly won't hurt your appreciation of the effort if you have a long history of watching B-movies, which I do.

Being relatively new to Fanedits it's difficult to put a finger on every facet that makes them so enjoyable but I do tend to pick up on alterations that actually improve from the source material. Impressively, despite (and sometimes due to) the intentional stylistic degradation, War of the Stars has many moments of genius that arguably outshine or improve on source material.

Fantastic stuff

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(Updated: February 27, 2013)
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War of the Stars in an inspiration for all potential fan editors and general fans of Star Wars. His reimaging of Episode 4 as if it were a 70's grindhouse feature gives the classic guts and charm not existent in the original. It will not replace A New Hope, but it's not designed to do so. This is done for fun and for love, and likely watchers are going to experience both when watching it.

Mask's approach to this project allows himself a certian lenience that other editors will not necessarily be able to employ in a more serious venture. For example, heavy use of poor quality extra footage fits easily into his version because the overall quality itself has been lowered to reflect a less refined attempt at filmmaking.

This is evident not only in extra footage, but in the audio track as well. The dialog track is flat and purposely so, which allows Mask to insert his own dialog changes that, even when they come of inelagently, it only adds to the charm of the film.

However, where this movie really shines is Mask's descisions to resequence certain scenes in the film. In particular, his retooling of the scene in which Death Star is destroyed. It is unique, unexpected and, with the greatest decision he makes in the whole film, hilarious.

It's hard to find fault with such an edit particularly because every bad splicing job, every poor audio cue and every bad bit of pacing can really be attributed to the overall style of the film. It's a clever way of hiding mistakes.

This really is a must see.

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Audio/Video Quality: The video quality is intentionally bad in most places, and unintentionally bad in others. This is a limitation of the source material in some cases, and an artistic decision in other cases. The point is for it to look bad, and it succeeds.

Visual Editing: The visual editing is quite good. New effects have been added, blood spurts and things of that nature have been integrated, it's great. At one point the "film" burns through the projector and we have a (monty python-esque) moment where the projectionist has to restart the footage. [This leaves a small hole in the narrative, and prevents an otherwise impossibly awkward transition. Think of it the same way you think of the "Missing Reels" in Tarantino's Grindhouse.]
Audio Editing: Some of Vader's lines feel very out of place. This works because of the style of the edit. Accept it, move along. None of the overdubbing is distracting enough to prevent you from enjoying the film.
Narrative: This is where this particular film wins. Telling a new story in the star wars universe is a feat in and of itself. Telling that story using only footage from the original films (and deleted scenes and fan films) brings us another level of skill.

The fact that the new story works so well, and is (probably) closer to what Star Wars would have been if George had cared a little less, is really impressive.

Enjoyment:I loved the movie. I love this nature of edit. TMBTM has taken his source material, flipped it on it's head and created something new and other. I want to see more people take this approach (not, necessarily, the grindhouse, but the telling of a new story rather than "fixing" problems with the old story.)

There aren't many people in the world who wouldn't benefit from seeing this film. I've personally watched it three times this month, and it grows in impact, rather than shrinking.

The premise, that The War of the Stars is just another spaghetti space opera, is beautiful. The editing is beautiful. The ending is a bit of a twist, and all the better for it.

This edit is certainly one of my favorites, and really not just one of my favorite edits but one of my favorite films of any kind. The only thing that really beats it to the top (well, aside from Doc Savage:Detartnished) is its sequel.(That's right, there's a War of the Stars part II, and it's even better.)

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This is what a fan edit should be. It's the polar opposite of Adywan's A New Hope. For everyone who has seen Star Wars WAY too much and want to see something very new with the film this is the edit for you. There was some stuff I thought was too cheesy but that was easily overpowered by the new stuff and great ideas. All of John Williams music has been taken out and replaced with lame 70's tunes which is surprisingly very awesome. Also the new effects that are added every time Vader uses the force is nothing short of brilliant. I can't wait to watch the next one.

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