Review Detail

8.2 1 10
Shorts July 22, 2017 3519
Overall rating
Audio/Video Quality
Audio Editing
Visual Editing
I am not a real big fan of those Tetsuo movies
But the style and the way they were made was fantastic no doubt about it.
Videodrome is one of my favorites of Director David Cronenberg
It was made in the time that Cronenberg was still good, after Shivers, Rabid, The Brood, Scanners he came up with Videodrome.
One by one excellent horror movies and don't forget Dead Zone and The Fly
This edit made in the Tetsuo style was great
I loved the black and white, audio-video editing is smooth and the new score is the right one for this edit but you must love it
Some music parts were maybe a little too loud but it could be my notebook, i don't know because i am at the moment not at home
I will definitely see it again when i get back in Amsterdam and then i will play it on my receiver and on the big screen of course
Well, it was great to watch it, it was fast and i put it in my fan-edit collection of others
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