George A. Romero’s Diary Of The Dead: Extreme FanCut

7.4 (7)
2139 0 1 0 0

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(Updated: September 06, 2012)
xgrind feb 14 2010

*This rating was given before reviews were required*
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(Updated: September 06, 2012)
zeppelinrox mar 8 2010

Although some news footage inserted into the main story is distracting, it is still much better than the original Diary of the Dead.
The only thing that really seems out of place is a couple of instances of fast moving zombies.

Overall, the faster pace and no boring/crappy narration is a huge improvement over the original.

I did kind of miss the blonde texan chick’s character development, as I came to really like her in the original, but it’s all for the best.

As boon stated, points are lost on the presentation.

Overall, 8 out of 10
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(Updated: September 06, 2012)
lairilwa fab 10 2010

I consider fan edits a new underground art movement. This is a perfect example of such where the author has taken bits from a few different sources and made a new product. This is much more tense then the original and you find yourself much more sympathetic towards the characters. The poorly delivered lines have been removed along with beating us over the head with a ‘message’ for the movie. In fact, its much more subtle now with a single reference: Technology is great… until it stops working… that’s all you need! That’s much more in tune with the original trilogy where you can ‘see’ a message there if you choose to, but no one is on a soap box. What the author Mollo removed made for a much tighter story and no ‘moronic’ actions on the character’s part. They make some mistakes and that’s enough. It feels like we are following along with a group during a crisis.

From a technical standpoint the editing was good but the scene used from Dawn of the Dead remake extras- where the doctor is showing the reporter the zombie strapped down- there is a boom mike shot. You may wish to crop this footage slightly to remove that.

Great job. This is why I seek out fan edits. To see different visions of movies that originally were not entirely successful. It looks like you put a lot of hard work and time into this.
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(Updated: September 06, 2012)
joebshmoe may 27 2010

*This rating was given before reviews were required*
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(Updated: September 06, 2012)
sdavmor sept 4 2010

The original release was OK, but quite a disappointment considering what it might have been (the premise and who was behind it). This fanedit is a substantial improvement over the theatrical release, though I must add my voice to those that feel too much has been cut in terms of character development. Still, since this is a zombie flick I probably would not have come back too unless coerced, I must say I was pleasantly surprised. Well done. 7/10.
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